Criminal Defense

Choosing the right criminal defense lawyer is critical.



Whether dealing with a simple assault or more severe charges like aggravated assault, the first step in protecting your future is to secure a skilled criminal defense lawyer who knows the intricacies of Ohio law and the local court system. More about defending against assault charges >


Disagreements among loved ones are common. Unfortunately, when law enforcement gets involved matters often go beyond what any of the parties desire. In Ohio, there is a policy that an arrest should be made if law enforcement determines there was a “primary aggressor.” It is all too common for law enforcement to assume that the male is the primary aggressor. It is important to have a lawyer familiar with unfair law enforcement assumptions and how to overcome them. Read more about fighting a domestic violence charge >


Possession, cultivation, distribution, trafficking, and other offenses related to controlled substances can result in severe penalties which may include mandatory prison time. There can also be collateral effects on your finances, personal property, and even your ability to drive.  More about fighting drug charges >


I understand how Ohio DUI / OVI cases are charged, and I know how the prosecution will present the evidence. A police officer’s job should be to document all evidence – whether it supports a finding of DUI / OVI or not. Unfortunately, law enforcement often focuses only on evidence that hurts a defendant’s case. It is my job to identify beneficial evidence that was overlooked and is to your benefit.  Learn more about defending against a DUI charge >


Facing gun possession charges in Ohio is serious. Whether it’s for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit or possessing a firearm illegally, the consequences can be severe. Nathan Akamine, a seasoned criminal defense attorney in Columbus, is here to protect your rights and guide you through the legal process. Learn more about defending against a gun possession charge >


If you have been charged with homicide, you are likely facing one of the most challenging moments of your life. The consequences of a conviction can be severe, but you do not have to face these charges alone. We are dedicated to protecting your rights and mounting an aggressive defense against these serious accusations. Learn more about homicide charges >


The juvenile court process in Ohio differs significantly from the adult criminal justice system. Its primary focus is on rehabilitation rather than punishment, but the consequences of a juvenile offense can still have long-lasting impacts on your child’s life. More about juvenile offenses >


The penalties are severe for a kidnapping charge and can have a lasting impact on your future. I specialize in defending clients against these serious charges, and I’m committed to protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome for your case. More about kidnapping charges >


Violent crimes such as assault, robbery, and murder often result in charges that carry severe and long-lasting penalties. Depending upon the severity of the allegations, you could face a significant prison term. These cases are treated very seriously by law enforcement and therefore, require an equally determined defense. Read more about defending against violent crimes charges >


Whether you are culpable or not, the mere allegation of a sex offense can be devastating. More than any other crime, people accused of a sex offense are treated as guilty before even going to court. Accusations can be highly subjective. Victim perception, witness observations, and forensic evidence (such as rape kits or DNA tests) can all be interpreted in different ways. It is important to hire a criminal defense attorney who has conducted sex offense trials and knows how to effectively combat law enforcement tactics. More about fighting a sex charge >


If you’ve been charged with sexual assault in Ohio, it’s crucial to speak with an experienced defense attorney. We specialize in defending against sex crime allegations in Columbus. Our goal is to protect your rights and build a strong defense, clarifying the charges you’re facing and outlining the best legal strategy for your case. Learn more about fighting sexual assault charges >


Depending on the circumstances of your case, as well as the value of the items you’re charged with taking, you could face years in prison, fines, and other penalties. These are cases that require highly experienced representation. As a former Prosecutor, I know the tactics that are used to try to convict you. I fight for your freedom and reputation. Read more about defending against theft charges >


Probation terms can be very intrusive and may seem to ensure failure. A probation officer’s belief that you are in violation is not the final word. Even if you have violated probation or failed to report, there are often actions that can be taken to minimize penalties and avoid incarceration. Like most things, it is best to address the situation before being arrested. Read more about how to fight a probation violation >

Our office is 3 minutes from downtown Columbus, in the Brewery District. If your arrest prevents you from coming to us, we come to you.

Talk to Nathan Akamine for FREE

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, let's talk.